Thursday, March 24, 2011

Getting Down and Dirty.....

Oh the differences of boys and girls.  Myleigh is such a princess.  Today alone she has had on 3 outfits, 3 different hairstyles, and 2 makeup looks.  Glamorous! 
Little man on the other hand has had on 3 outfits because he loves to destroy the clothes he is wearing getting muddy and soaking wet like it's summer out!  =)  Gosh they are funny.
Today Easton comes running over to me....."Mama  wook (look)!" as he opens his hand "a little tiny wock (rock).  Oooohhh...."  He was just so in love with this little tiny pebble he found on the floor.  Then about 10 minutes later he comes in from outside......."Mama wook (look)!  Bug!".......Me, "Oh buddy you need to take the bug outside."........"No mama...My pecial (special) bug! No go outside!"  ..........Me, "Bubba go put your special bug in a special spot outside."............"K Mama"........
And so where does the bug go?  Under a cup on the picnic table.  =) 

Easton found a lot of bugs today.  He was crawling around in the grass trying to catch them with a shovel.  At one point he had this flying beetle like thing in his fingers while he walked around with the little legs on it going crazy. I said, "Bubba is that bug still alive?" ........he just looks at it then at me and says, "Yep."

I just know that I have the son that is going to put frogs and crickets in his pockets and ill find them while I'm doing laundry....  Aaaaahhhhh I'm not sure I will handle this very well.  =)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

This Is Only The Beginning

Oh the things kids say....... As most of you know I have one of the sassiest, sweetest, intelligent lil ladies. Very much like some of your own children. I also have a total mamas boy. =) Myleigh always says the funniest things and I always think that I am going to write them down and I don't so I thought that maybe I would start a blog and not only write them down but share the craziness with all of you. Easton is getting there too as he has started talking more but not quite to the level Myleigh is.

So it begins, Words To Live By......As Told By Myleigh and Easton